
A verse spoke thanks to Abu Shuja's merit,

نطقت بفضل أبي شجاع آية

1. A verse spoke thanks to Abu Shuja's merit,
And traced the expanses of his land with streams.

١. نَطَقَت بِفضلِ أبي شُجاعٍ آيةٌ
وَسَمَت مَفاوزَ أرضِه بجَداولِ

2. Safa was trodden with glory then was sated,
Flowing, laughing, from the purity of springs.

٢. وَطِئَ الصَّفا طيا آن فاغتدَى
ريّانَ يَضْحَكُ عن صَفاءِ مناهِل

3. And it brought forth drinking water with which
Shiraz was enriched from clouds pouring down.

٣. واستنبطَ الشُّربَ الذي غَنِيَت به
شِيرازُ عن صَوبِ الغَمامِ الهاطِل

4. It is a verse whose wonders have spread
As did miracles from the noble Moses.

٤. هيَ آيةٌ لك ذاعَ من إِعجازِها
ما ذاعَ مِن مُوسَى الكليمِ الفاضِل

5. An abundance you have revived the lands with
And blanketed them with rain far and wide.

٥. وِردٌ شَفَيْتَ به البلادَ مِن الصَّدَا
وشَملْتَها نمه برَيٍّ شَامِل

6. You were guided to a concealed blessing
Which you made flow from soil and buckets.

٦. وَهُدِيتَ منه لنعمةٍ مَكنونةٍ
فأَثَرْتَها مِن تُربةٍ وجَنادِل