
The rain's greeting is a spring whose clouds

تحية الغيث منهلا سحائبه

1. The rain's greeting is a spring whose clouds
Water 'Aqiq though their sportive drippings be powerful;

١. تَحِيَّةُ الغيثِ مُنْهَلاً سحائبُه
على العقيقِ وإنْ أقوَتْ مَلاعِبُه

2. Nay, but on the living outspread are its mantles,
On the suns, while its columns are blameworthy,

٢. لا بل على الحيِّ مشدوداً هوادِجُه
على الشُّموسِ ومذموماً رَكائِبُه

3. Until there comes down to it a sign that has threaded
Its antelopes the rain, or its gazelles have alighted.

٣. حتى تَرُدَّ عليه آيةً سَلكَتْ
ظِباؤُها الغيدُ أو حلَّتْ ربائُبه

4. So amidst hatreds he is wrongfully turned away from his songs,
Singing for other than him, or shunning him.

٤. ففي الظغائنِ مجنوبٌ لغانيهٍ
تَغْنَى بوصلِ سواه أو تُجانبُه

5. And in the abodes one who hears not though you make him hear,
A pleader whom you address not.

٥. وفي الديارِ سميعٌ ليس تُسمعُه
إجابةً وخطيبٌ لا تُخاطبُه

6. Until he changes for the enamored his fraud,
A phantom that bars the enamored from his companion,

٦. حتى يُبَدِّلَ للعُشَّاقِ زورَتَه
طَيفٌ يَصُدُّ عن العُشَّاقِ صاحبُه

7. Going secretly to the moon, hiding the moon stealthily,
While the moon disdains that its fine qualities be hidden

٧. سرى إلى البدرِ يُخفي البدرَ منتقباً
والبدرُ يأنَفُ أن تُخفى مناقبُه

8. When dawn appears in the orient of its rising,
It shows you the night black-dark in its robes;

٨. إذا بدا الصبحُ من إشراقِ طلعتِه
أبَدتْ لكَ الليلَ مُسودّاً ذوائبُه

9. And beauty and opposite are two things I know not
Which of the two perplexed me, its splendors or its glooms,

٩. والحُسنُ ضِدَّانِ لا أدري إذا اجتمعا
أنوارُه فتَنَتْني أم غَياهبُه

10. Its trinkets, its scollops, its ambergris,
Each is wished for, or guarded from, by its spy;

١٠. حُلِيُّه وثناياه وعَنبرُه
كلٌّ ينُمُّ عليه أو يراقبُه

11. So I know not, when the horizon's forms march
In procession, which is livelier, its easts or its wests.

١١. فلستُ أدري إذا ما سار في أُفُقٍ
شَمائلُ الأفقِ أذكى أم جَنائبُه

12. But eulogy - its beauties are not favored
By kings, as its faults are favored.

١٢. أما القريضُ فما تَحظَى محاسنُه
عند الملوكِ كما تَحظى معائبُه

13. And the critic may do the dinar injustice,
Though its fashioner has clad it in beauty's knocking.

١٣. وربما ظَلَمَ الدينارَ ناقدُه
وقد كَساه ضروبَ الحُسنِ ضاربُه

14. I am like the prince of poesy from whom
Their mantles mounted to nobler station,

١٤. كأنني بنجيبِ الشِّعرِ قد رحلَتْ
عنهم إلى الشَّرفِ الأعلى نجائبُه

15. And had he prayed evil on Iraq, his bolts
Would have struck it, like his rain poured down.

١٥. ولو تشاءَم لانقَضَّت صواعقُه
على العِراقِ كما ارفضَّت سَحائبُه

16. Say to him whom his hand collared while I
Drew near him, while he drew me yonder,

١٦. قل للذي قلَّدْتني كفُّه رسَني
وكنتُ أَدْنُو إليه وهو جاذبُه

17. "Safety to you, if his lines flow
From their lurking place, or his fingers creep!"

١٧. لك الأمانُ إذا انسابت أراقِمُه
من المكامنِ أو دبَّتْ عقاربُه

18. No friend is he who gives you his witness
Honey of affection, while he cheats absence behind its back.

١٨. ليسَ الصديقُ الذي أعطاك شاهدُه
شَهْدَ الودادِ وخان الغيبَ غائبُه

19. How much speech like pounded musk is its outer
Which gained no due with Abu Ishaq fulfilled!

١٩. كم مَنطِقٍ كسحيقِ المِسكِ ظاهرُه
لم يُقْضَ عندَ أبي إسحاقَ واجبُه

20. Our praises were spurious trinkets
Adorning him - but they have taken to reproaching him.

٢٠. كانت مدائحُنا غرّاً محجَّلةً
تُثني عليه فقد أضحَتْ تُعاتِبُه

21. And what shall I say of him whom excellence fitly suits
In rank of glory, whiteness matching white?

٢١. وما أقولُ لِمَن طابَتْ عناصرُه
في رُتْبَةِ المجدِ وابيضَّتْ مَناسبُه

22. Deceive the redundant of my praise! Its merit
Like pearl beads' secret suits its concealers.

٢٢. أغرُّ زانَ مديحي فضلُ سُؤدُدِهِ
كلؤلؤ العِقْدِ زانَتْه ترائبُه

23. The true friend, his troth halts not,
Nor swerves from the friend, or is unjust.

٢٣. وصادقُ الوُدِّ لا ترتدُّ خُلَّتُه
على الصَّديقِ ولا يَزوَرُّ جانبُه

24. I am at rest from lies and untruth
To which he inclines, evil speech its utterer;

٢٤. لا أستريحُ إلى زُورٍ ولا كَذِبٍ
يُهدَى إليه وشرُّ القولِ كاذبُه

25. No warp is found in him for blame,
Whence, and of what gold, its warpings shaped!

٢٥. وليسَ للذَّمِّ فيه مَذْهَبٌ فَيُرى
أَنَّى ومِن ذهَبٍ صيغَتْ مَذاهبُه

26. He prophesied of me, but I know not for his prophecy
My fortune's fangs or its disasters.

٢٦. نَبا عليَّ فما أدري لَنبوتِه
أنيابُ دهري أمضي أم نوائبُه

27. Swords to a people whose water of unsheathing
Gave joy, to others their blades.

٢٧. هُوَ الحُسامُ لقومٍ ماءُ صَفحتِه
بشاشةٌ ولأقوامٍ مضاربُه

28. The rain, if its artifacts smile my way,
Their downpours pour on other than I their overflowing clouds.

٢٨. والغيثُ إن برقتْ نحوي مخائِلُه
راحت تَصوبُ على غيري صوائبُه

29. This, and their hearing has not been gladdened
By my compositions, nor its gifts gone waste;

٢٩. هذا وما صَدِئَت قِدْماً مسامعُه
بما نظمْتُ ولا ضاعَت مواهبُه

30. And I have of praised lore a fruit
To which they repair, its ways matching;

٣٠. ولي من الأدبِ المحمودِ أثمرُه
يُنمى إليه وأعرافٌ تناسِبُه

31. An eagerness which, whenever it came inclined
To it, by its majesty its bent was turned away;

٣١. ورَغبةٌ كلما جاءَت معرِّضةً
بجاهِه أعرضَت عنها رغائبُه

32. And I struck much of it that was razed with its smart,
Hot bolts striking, sweet robes trailing;

٣٢. وكم ضربتُ بماضٍ منه ذي شُطَبٍ
عَضْبٍ مضَارِبُه حلوٍ ضَرائبُه

33. I returned in the perfume of the breaths, productive fruit
Near the thrower's hand its ripeness.

٣٣. وردْتُ في طيِّبِ الأنفاسِ ذي ثَمرٍ
قريبةٍ من يد الجاني أطايبُه

34. You punished me with estragement I cannot endure,
Is your punishment, in its issues, praised?

٣٤. عاقَبْتَني بجفاءٍ لا أقومُ به
فهَل عقابُك محمودٌ عواقبُه

35. Your opinion of me turned to black, its daybreak
I knew as white in its evening!

٣٥. وعادَ رأيُك لي سُوداً مشارِقُه
وكنتُ أعهَدُه بيضاً مغاربُه

36. Poetry is a fawn whose pelt you stroke -
Understanding, a necklace of pearls you thread;

٣٦. الشِّعرُ وَشيُ بُرودٍ أنتَ سَاحِبُه
فَهْمَاً ودُرُّ عقودٍ أنتَ ثاقبُه

37. Why then forbid the benefactor his benefaction
When no suitor attained your abounding glory?

٣٧. فلِمْ مَنعْتَ على الإحسانِ مُحسِنَه
ما نالَ من جاهِكَ المبذولِ خاطبُه

38. Flourishing praise, if you do it justice, is a bloom
Whose scent is sweet if its drinking place be sweet.

٣٨. وزاهرُ الحمدِ إن أَنْصَفْتَهُ زَهَرٌ
يَطيبُ رَيَّاهُ إن طابَتْ مشاربُه

39. Is it justice to jam its gardens with your plain
And water its willows that you may drink?

٣٩. أكان في العَدلِ أن تَظْما حدائِقُه
بسَاحَتيْكَ وأن تُروى سباسبُه

40. I scattered for a people pebbles of words -
Had you willed, its planets might have scattered upon you!

٤٠. لقد نثرتُ على قومٍ حصىَ كِلَمٍ
لو شِئتَ لانْتَثَرَتْ فيكم كواكبُه

41. But for you, their robes had not been worn, but returned
Still splendid while long their trains;

٤١. لولاك ما ارتُدِيَتْ أطمارُه وغدَت
تُرَدُّ وهي أنيقاتٌ سبائِبُه

42. I will be patient over your pact's breach with me
Till he who roamed return to the known;

٤٢. لأصبِرنَّ على إخلالِ عُرفِكَ بي
حتى يثوبَ إلى المعهودِ ثائبُه

43. Perhaps blame will restore favor from you,
And the suitor attain the long sought!

٤٣. عسى العتابُ يَرُدُّ العتْبَ منك رضاً
وربما أدركَ المطلوبَ طالبُه