
He was ice but his skin betrayed him

كان جليدا فخانه جلده

1. He was ice but his skin betrayed him
And he returned with determination like his pillar

١. كانَ جَليداً فخانَه جَلَدُهْ
وعادَه بعدَ هِمَّةٍ كَمدُهْ

2. And longing released the shackles of his sadness
While he is the heart's prisoner, persecuted

٢. وأطلقَ الشَّوقُ أَسْرَ عَبرَتِه
وهو أسيرُ الفؤادِ مُضطَهَدُه

3. Are those tears of that gazelle overflowing
On the cheeks, or is it his necklace coming undone?

٣. أَدَمْعُ ذاكَ الغزالِ فاضَ على ال
خدَّيْنِ أَم عِقْدُهُ وَهَتْ عُقَدُه

4. He stood to bid farewell like the supple branch
Bending his stature, its greenery swaying

٤. قامَ يُريدُ الوَداعَ كالغُصُنِ الرْ
يَّانِ يَثني قُوامَه غَيَدُه

5. And the loving soul is tender in his youth
Bearing passionate yearning, though it pains his liver

٥. وذو الهَوى غَضَّةٌ صَبابَتُه
يُكابدُ الشَّوقَ طِبُّهُ كَبِدُه

6. How many lights are there in those chambers
That shed the tears they find?

٦. كم بينَ تلك السُّجوفِ من مُقَلٍ
تَبْذُلُ من دَمعِها الذي تَجدُه

7. And borrowed radiance from a head
That his glances did not sketch, nor hands shape

٧. ومستعيرِ النُّضارِ من رَشإِ
لم يُخْطِهِ لحظُه ولا جَيَدُه

8. The pouring rain hopes not for the coolness of its hardship
Its coldness never stinted its downpour

٨. لا يرتجي الصَّبُّ بَرْدَ غُلَّتِه
ما ضَنَّ عنه بريقِه بَرَدُه

9. Tomorrow the son of Fahd, and glory is his mark
Generosity and glory are what he loves and wants

٩. غدا ابنُ فهدٍ والمجدُ شيمَتُه
والجودُ والمجدُ لهوُه وَدَدُه

10. A boy, a boy of generosity, mature in patience
Sharp of mind, his heart kindled

١٠. فتىً فَتى السَّماحِ مُكتَهِلُ ال
حِلْمِ ذَكيُّ الفُؤادِ مُتَّقِدُه

11. Extravagant in generosity when the rain is measured
A gentle rain, measured in its actions

١١. ومُسرِفُ الجُودِ حينَ يَقتَصِدُ ال
غَيْثُ رَفيقُ الفَعالِ مُقتَصِدُه

12. How many dawns has his resolve brought forth
And deeds which are tokens of his hand

١٢. كم من صباحٍ سَناهُ عَزْمَتُه
ومن أيادٍ سِماتُهنَّ يَدُه

13. Virtues that the envious fold into their bosoms
Out of hatred, or that hatred kills them

١٣. مناقبٌ يَنطوي الحَسودُ لها
على جَوىً أو يُميتُه حَسَدُه

14. He surpassed kings when he surpassed
And went beyond the extent of their days

١٤. جَرى فبَذَّ المُلوكَ حينَ جَرى
وفاتَ أقصَى مَداهُمُ أَمَدُه

15. How can a king hope to reach him
When his country falls short of the breadth of his chest?

١٥. وكيفَ يَرجو لَحاقَه مَلِكٌ
يَضيقُ عن رَحْبِ صَدْرِهِ بَلَدُه

16. A garden, as if spring had adorned it
With wondrous blossoms, vibrant and green

١٦. رَبْعٌ كأنَّ الرَّبيعَ ألبَسَه
غَرائبَ النَّوْرِ يانعاً خَضَدُه

17. And a meadow whose stream refreshed it
Banishing darkness, steadily dispelling it

١٧. ومَنهَلٌ راقَ وِردُه فغَدا
يَطرُدُ عنَّا الإعْدامَ مُطَّرَدُه

18. A blade that no coat of mail tasted
Without its links scattering from its sharpness

١٨. وصارمٌ لم يَشِمْه ذو زَرَدٍ
إلا تَفرَّى عن حَدِّهِ زَرَدُه

19. When he dons the garb of battle he becomes
Drenched in the blood of his foes, body by body

١٩. إذا ارتدى مُهجةَ الكَميِّ غَدا
مُضرَّجاً من جِسادِهِ جَسَدُه

20. Supporting a spear that his hand can barely lift
At times, and at times gripped tight in his grasp

٢٠. يَعضُدُ قَرْماً تَقِلُّه يَدُه
طَوْراً وطَوْراً يَكُنُّه عَضُدُه

21. Death is destined for whoever challenges him
And triumph for whoever comes after him

٢١. يَلقَى المَنايا مَنْ راحَ يوعده
حَتماً ويَلقى النَّجاحَ مَنْ بَعِدُه

22. His work is manifest, brilliant
Can the eloquence of my poems conceal it?

٢٢. صَنيعُه سائرٌ يلوحُ وهل
يَخْفى صَنيعٌ مدائحي بُرُدُه

23. Praise stopped us - how excellent
Were its meanings, and how far its love reached!

٢٣. وَقفٌ علينا الثَّناءُ ما اطَّرَدَتْ
حُسْناً معانيه واستوى أَوَدُه

24. And whenever his wonders create anew
His glories come to him, made fresh

٢٤. وكلَّما أخلَقَتْ بدائِعُهُ
جاءَتْ إليه مُجِدَّةً جُدُدُه