
If you had deceived me with a false promise

لو تداركتني بوعد غرور

1. If you had deceived me with a false promise
My tears would have dried and my sighing grown less

١. لو تداركْتَني بوعدٍ غَرورِ
رَقَأَتْ عبَرَتي وقَلَّ زَفيري

2. By your cheek that halted the blood
Rushing over it like dew on pink petals

٢. بأبي خدُّكَ الذي وقفَ الدَّم
عُ عليه كالطَّلِّ في وَردِ جُورِ

3. So the glow of shyness mixes in it
The blush of the crimson rose with camphor

٣. فالتهابُ الحياءِ يَمزُجُ فيه
حُمرةَ الأُرجوانِ بالكافورِ

4. The fragrance of its scent as though the tears of
My eyes had streamed on it the water of perfume

٤. عَبِقٌ ريحُه كأنَّ دموعَ ال
عَينِ أجرَتْ عليه ماءَ العَبيرِ

5. Do not blame me for my streaming tears
When I saw the blossoming garden scattered

٥. لا تَلُمْني على انتثارِ دُموعي
حين عاينْتُ روضةَ المَنْثورِ

6. It met me with the likeness of your cheek and the
Flower and the lights of your shining jewelry

٦. قَابَلَتْنِي بمثلِ خدِّكَ والثَّغ
رِ وأنوارِ حَلْيِكَ المُستنيرِ