
The fasting month has passed, the month of tremors,

تصرم شهر الصوم شهر الزلازل

1. The fasting month has passed, the month of tremors,
And Shawaal followed it, the month of virtues.

١. تصرم شهر الصوم شهر الزلازل
وشال به شوال شهر الفضائل

2. The crescent of Eid appeared shining as though
It were a tooth pulled from the head of the year.

٢. ولاح هلال الفطر نضوا كأنه
سنان لواه الطعن في رأس عامل

3. The winds have turned among us, among loved ones,
Lighting up, while the branches of dew are shelters.

٣. ودارت علينا الراح بين أهلة
تضيء وأغصان رطاب موائل

4. We rejoiced, while in our bodies Babylonian magic
Stirred, and in our faith Babylonian wine.

٤. فرحنا وفي أجسامنا سحر بابل
يدب وفي أيماننا خمر بابل