1. We mentioned him, so our tears flowed
Informing every grieving soul
١. ذَكَرناهُ فانهلَّت مدامعُنا تترى
مُخبَّرَةً عن كلِّ ذي كَبِدٍ حرَّى
2. We knew you especially from all the household
You held a place in our hearts that made you most deserving
٢. عَهِدناكَ مَخصوصاً من البيتِ كلِّه
بمنزِلَةٍ في الصَّدرِ أنتَ بها أحرَى
3. Your legs remain still at the bottom of a valley
If one were to rise, the other would fall
٣. تَظَلُّ لها رِجلاكَ في قَعرِ وَهْدَةٍ
إذا ما عَلَتْ إحداهُما هَوَتِ الأُخرى
4. Above you two yellow birds, if you wish, would sing
Like two chicks reminded by the memory
٤. وفوقَك صَفراوانِ إن شئتَ غَنَّتا
كذاكِرَتيْ فَرخَينْ شفَّهُما الذِّكرى
5. And how many times did your right hand send its messenger
Only to meet the left hand shortly after
٥. وكم أرسلَتْ يُمنى يَديك رسولَها
فما لَبِثَتْه حينَ صافحَتِ اليُسرى
6. I wondered at him pulling his reigns
Not complaining where after ease comes hardship
٦. عَجِبْتُ له طِرفاً يَجُرُّ عِنانَهُ
ولا يتشكَّى الأينَ ما بَعُدَ المَسرى
7. Cleaving the smooth body of the camel, as if it were
A stream that the blowing wind crossed over
٧. يَشُقُّ نقيَّ المتنِ جَعْداً كأنَّه
غديرٌ تمشَّى الرِّيحُ من فوقِه حَسرى
8. Oh if only the friend knew the agony of his death
And it was difficult for those fingers to bare
٨. فيا هالكاً أعرى الصديقَ بهُلْكِه
وعَزَّ على تلكَ الأناملِ أن تَعرى
9. If one day the calamity of a companion grew
Yours would be the greatest calamity
٩. إذا صَغُرَتْ يوماً رَزِيَّةُ صاحبٍ
بصاحِبه كانت رَزيَّتُكَ الكُبرى