
Delight has lost its savor after the knight departed.

عفاء على اللذات من بعد فارس

1. Delight has lost its savor after the knight departed.
Pleasures at gatherings have been disrupted since he's gone.

١. عفاءٌ على اللَّذَّاتِ من بعدِ فارسِ
فقد عُطَّلَتْ منه حِسانُ المَجالِسِ

2. A face shone bright in his garb, as if
His teeth were flaming coals within.

٢. جَلا حُرَّ وَجْهٍ قد أضاءَ بثوبِه
كأنَّ سنَاها فيه شُعَلةُ قَابسِ

3. Musical genres are now shattered without him,
As horses were hamstrung after their riders left.

٣. تُكَسَّرُ أصنافُ المَعازِفِ بَعدَها
كما عُقِرَ الأفراسُ بعدَ الفوارِسِ

4. The accustomed melody has passed; amusements
Are now but fleeting sketches of cavaliers.

٤. مضى حسَبُ الزَّفْنِ التَّليدِ وأصبحَتْ
رسومُ المّلاهي كالرسومِ الدَّوارسِ

5. Bliss was struck down by misfortunes, then auspiciousness
Followed, dogged by the steps of ill luck.

٥. نعيمٌ رَمَتْه الحادثاتُ بفادِحٍ
فزالَ وسَعْدٌ أردَفَتْهُ بناحِسِ

6. Stolen in secrecy from the tumult of revelry, his fighters
Could not be reached by the hands of furtive pigeons.

٦. ومُختَلَسٌ من حَومَةِ اللَّهوِ لم تَنَلْ
مَقاتِلَه أيدي الحِمامِ المُخالسِ

7. The garden of al-Yasiriyyah was plundered after he left,
Though it had bloomed in fresh attire.

٧. تَسلَّبَ رَوْضُ الياسرِيَّةِ بعدَه
وكانَ جديدَ الحَلْيِ غَضَّ المَلابسِ

8. The fruits of pleasure turned into roses, and many times
Did they shower those in attendance with dripping wine.

٨. وجَنَّتْ ثِمارُ الرَّنْدِ وَرْداً وطالما
تَصدَّعْنَ رَيَّاً في رِطابٍ مَوائِسِ

9. After him, eyes wander in the plot of idleness,
Seeing it desolate, its saplings withered.

٩. يُرَدِّدُ في غَرْسِ البَطالَةِ بعدَه
عيوناً تَراه مُقشَعِرَّ المَغارسِ

10. In his presence, piety was no disgrace; the scene of youth
Almost outwitted the ploys of a rivaling foe.

١٠. فما للتُّقى عارٍ به مَشهَدُ الصِّبا
وكادَ المُنى كَيدَ العدوِّ المُنافسِ

11. Why else would the necks of cups stand tall
When through him they were like the jewelry of brides?

١١. وما بالُ أعناقِ الكؤوسِ عَواطِلاً
وكانَتْ به في مثلِ حَلْيِ العَرائسِ

12. Why else are the taverns of Iraq now unrecognizable,
Each companion now left lonely and desolate?

١٢. وما بالُ حاناتِ العِراقِ تنكَّرَتْ
فأصبحَ منها مُوحِشاً كلُّ آنسِ

13. I see their roses partly blooming, partly withered;
Their basil partly thriving, partly desiccated.

١٣. أرى وَرْدَها ما بين مُودٍ وذابلٍ
وريحانَها ما بين ذاوٍ ويابِسِ

14. You were ransomed, O precious soul, from corruption,
And the like of you is ransomed with precious souls.

١٤. فَدَتْكَ نَفيساتُ النُّفوسِ مِنَ الرَّدَى
ومثلُكَ يُفْدى بالنُّفوسِ النَّفائِسِ

15. You left us with no full-moon night illuminated
Nor any daybreak with a shining sun.

١٥. نَسَكْتَ فلا ليلُ الغَبوقِ بمُقْمرٍ
علينا ولا يَومُ الصَّبوحِ بِشامسِ

16. As if you never shared cups, though the first light of dawn
Had challenged the brightest of stars.

١٦. كأنَّك لم تَحْدُ الكُؤوسَ وقد حَدَتْ
طليعَةُ ضَوْءِ الصّبحِ غيرَ الحَنادِسِ

17. You never delighted honorable drinking with a sweet
And gentle brown-skinned wine-bearer at daybreak,

١٧. ولم تؤنِسِ الشَّربَ الكِرامَ بمُخطفٍ
من الزَّنجِ حَنَّانِ الغُدُوِّ مُؤانِسِ

18. Though the morning shone and their heavy eyelids opened,
Disturbed from tranquil sleep by the crowing of cocks.

١٨. وقد فَتَقَ الإصباحُ رتقَ جفونِهِم
وقارعَ طيبَ الغُمْضِ قَرْعُ النَّواقسِ

19. Passion for him collapsed, as if the hands of gales
Had demolished his towering heights.

١٩. هوىً دَرَسَتْ أعلامُه فكأنما
تَرامَتْ به أيدي الرِّياحِ الرَّوامِسِ

20. An open expanse complained of the absence of revelry
In the same way seclusions complain of losing companions.

٢٠. ورَبْعٌ شَكا من فُرقَةِ اللَّهوِ ما شَكَتْ
رُبوعُ التَّصابي من فِراقِ الأوانِسِ

21. In it, the joking of singers falls silent;
In it, the rod of dancers is not transfixed.

٢١. فليسَ هَزارُ الشَّدْوِ فيه بناطقٍ
وليسَ قَضيبُ الرَّقصِ فيهِ بمائِسِ

22. Shall I yearn for pleasures after that horseman
When his reins have been cast into abysses?

٢٢. أَ أَرغَبُ في اللَّذَّاتِ من بعدِ فارسِ
وقد رُمِيَتْ من نُسكِهِ بالدَّهارسِ

23. So shame on delights, now that his drumming desists,
No longer quenched by pouring downpours.

٢٣. فتبّاً لها إذ تابَ من نَقْرِ دُفِّهِ
ولا سُقِيَت صَوبَ الغُيوثِ الرَّواجِسِ