1. My servant has become lazy in picking fruit,
You'd think him hollow as he waters Iraq's camels,
١. أمسى غلامي كسلا قطوفا
موصباً تحسبه مجوفا
2. Their trough illuminated as if circled by stars,
Row upon row they faced each other,
٢. يسقي معيدات العراق جوفا
باتت تبيا حوضها عكوفا
3. And you are no use to me, not one bit,
Then you say "Give me the noble one!"
٣. مثل الصفوف لاقت الصفوفا
وأنت لا تغنين عني فؤفا
٤. ثم تقول أعطني الشريفا