1. It grieves me, what you went through
You, the best of all mothers
١. يَعِزُّ عليَّ ما لاقيتِ فيه
وأنتِ الأمُّ خيرُ الأمّهات
2. I did not approve what they did to him
Of the dissentious killing and dispersion
٢. ولم أرضَ الذي فَعلوا إليهِ
من القَتلِ المخالِفِ والشّتات
3. I ordered to take this matter from him
And restrain his hands from those coquetries
٣. أمَرتُ بأخذِ هذا الأمرِ مِنهُ
وقَبضِ يديه عن تلك الهناتِ
4. And I, like him, let you know
What I would do for the rest of my life
٤. وإنِّي مِثلُه لكِ فاعلَمِيه
على ما كانَ ما بقيَت حياتي
5. And take vengeance after God's vengeance in him
The tyrants will be gone
٥. وثأري بعد ثأرِ الله فيه
سَيَذهَبُ بالجبابرةِ العُتاةِ
6. Ja'far built you an impregnable house
And erected it with the highest honors
٦. بَنى لك جَعفَر بيتاً مَنيعاً
وشَيَّدَهُ بأعلى المكرُماتِ
7. The Commander of the Faithful, I inherited the right
And you are the commander of the faithful women
٧. أمير المؤمنين ورثتُ حقاً
وأنتِ أميرةٌ للمؤمناتِ