1. And Allah knows what I say, for it is
The effort of the submissive from a kneeling Hanif.
١. واللهُ يعلمُ ما أقولُ فإنهُ
جَهدُ الأليَّةِ من حنيفٍ راكعِ
2. I did not disobey You, though the transgressors supply me,
Except with the intention of the obedient.
٢. ما إن عصيتُكَ والغُواةُ تُمِدُّني
أسبابها إلا بنيَّةِ طائعِ
3. So I persisted until there was neither
Pardon for the like of it, nor did an intercessor intercede for me before You,
٣. فعَلوتُ حتى لم يكن عن مثلِهِ
عفوٌ ولم يشفَع لَديكَ بشافعِ
4. Except the self-restraint from punishment after
Your hands had seized a lowly, submitting man.
٤. إلا العلوَّ عن العقوبةِ بعدما
ظفِرَت يداكَ بمُستَكينٍ خاضعِ
5. And You had mercy on children like chicks of pigeons
And the tenderness of a mother whose bowstring is removed.
٥. ورحَمتَ أطفالاً كأفراخِ القطا
وحنينَ والهةٍ كقوسِ النازعِ
6. I ransom my soul to You, if my excuses go astray,
And I seek refuge in You through abundant patience and clemency.
٦. نفسي فداؤكَ إن تَضِلَّ معاذري
وألوذُ منكَ بفضلِ حلمٍ واسعِ