
With the breaking of the Nile, loyalty was remedied

بكسر النيل قد جبر الوفاء

1. With the breaking of the Nile, loyalty was remedied
So your turbidity passed and serenity prevailed

١. بكسر النيل قد جُبر الوفاء
فمرّ تكدّري وحلا الصفاء

2. And it revived the dead lands with water
That moves when the air is still

٢. وأحيا ميت الأرضين ماء
يُحّركه إذا سكن الهواء

3. You see it bare, hot, and cold
With nothing but the sky as its cover

٣. تراه عارياً حراً وبردا
وما غير السماء له غطاء

4. It kills the living and revives death, but
By God's will, this is just water

٤. يُميت الحي يُحيي الموت لكن
بإذن اللَه هذا وهو ماء

5. It has a line without a pen and rhythm
Without feet, expanse and contraction

٥. له خط بلا قلم ونطّ
بلا قدم وبسط وانطواء

6. If it sways, it hurls spears
With shields of paper for protection

٦. له إن هزّ بإشنين رماحاً
بأتراس من الورق اتقاء

7. O you who were separated from spouses in poverty
For you is the singing of the Nile brides

٧. أيا مَن فارقوا الأزواج فقراً
لكم بعرائس النيل الغناء

8. Take them without dowry, do not worry
Whether it brings you comfort or dearth

٨. خذوها دون مهر لا تبالوا
أقام بكم رخاء أو غلاء

9. I pity you though I am my mother's son
And my mother is the wife of my father, no secret to hide

٩. حزينكم وإني ابن أمي
وأمي امرأة أبي ما بي خفاء

10. My father and grandfathers were men
As my mother and grandmothers were women

١٠. وإن أبي وأجدادي رجال
كما أمي وجداتي نساء

11. By the sanctity of Eid, O people, bear witness for me
And say I have spoken the truth, do not deny

١١. بحق العيد يا ناس اشهدوا لي
وقولوا قد صدقت ولا تُراؤوا