
The full moon of joy has encompassed fulfillment,

بدر المسرة قد حوى تكميلا

1. The full moon of joy has encompassed fulfillment,
And God has granted favor and attained what was hoped.

١. بدر المسرّة قد حوى تكميلا
واللَه فضلاً بلّغ المأمولا

2. The heart has become elated with joy,
When it appeared adorned for us, united.

٢. والقلب أضحى بالسرور مُشَبّبا
لمّا تبدّى بالهنا موصولا

3. The motives for happiness spread their folds,
Rejoicing in a time that rose with preference.

٣. وسرت دواعي البسط تنشر طيّه
فرحاً بوقت قد سما تفضيلا

4. In a house whose goodness was completed,
Joy descended in it and stayed as a good guest.

٤. في منزل تمّت أهلّةُ حُسنه
نزل السرور به وطاب نزيلا

5. Wherever it turned I saw happiness,
None who inhabited it desired change.

٥. حيث اتّجهت به رأيت مسرّة
لم يبغ مَن قد حلّه تحويلا

6. The loved ones gathered in it with joy,
It did not cease to be covered in bliss.

٦. فيه الأحبة بالسرور تجمّعوا
لا زال بالهنا مشمولا

7. They came congratulating us on a heavenly newborn,
The moon of the sky which surpassed veneration.

٧. وافوا يهنّنونا بمولود سما
قمر السماء وفاقه تبجيلا

8. The sun of purpose, the moon of our bliss, who has become
A guiding star with his appearance outshone.

٨. شمس المنى قمر الهنا مَن قد غدا
نجم الردى بظهوره مأفولا

9. May God protect him and protect his family,
And gratify their eyes with him for a long time.

٩. اللَه يحفظه ويحفظ أهله
ويقرّ أعينهم بذاك طويلا

10. And show them in his nursing and weaning,
His puberty and hoped-for marriage.

١٠. ويريهم برضاعه وفطامه
وطهوره وزواجه المأمولا

11. And your day of sorrow, O people, on my birth
The women did not ululate much.

١١. وحزينكم يا ناس يوم ولادتي
ما زغرط النسوان فيه قليلا

12. They were sullen and suckled its interpretation,
They ate date honey and honey too.

١٢. وتزلّبوا وتعسّلوا تفسيره
أكلوا زلابية كذا عسلولا

13. My mother suckled me in my nursing her spite,
And I ate when the years brought night.

١٣. وسقتني أمي في رضاعي بزّها
وأكلت إذ طلع السنين بليلا

14. I knew when I grew up that my father was my father,
And I am the son of my mother morning and evening.

١٤. وعرفت حين كبرت أن ابي أبي
وأنا ابن أمي بكرة وأصيلا