1. No harm from those whose hearts have journeyed far away,
If only they had kept his company an hour before they left.
١. ما ضرّ مَن بفؤاد الصبّ قد رحلوا
لو انهم صحبوه ساعة ارتحلوا
2. Rather they abandoned him lying wounded by their abandonment,
With tears flowing ceaselessly from his eyelids.
٢. بل خلّفوه طريحاً في درياهم
مغرغر الدمع لا تهدأ له مقل
3. He remains calling out while yearning perturbs him,
O beloved of my poetry, wherever they lodged.
٣. يظل يهتف والأشواق تزعجه
يا ليث شعري بقلبي أينما نزلوا
4. My passion has melted away and patience failed,
Tears flooded my eyes and my insides ignited.
٤. قد ذاب وجدي وزال الصبر وانهملت
مدامع الطرف والأحشاء تشتعل
5. So my heart is aflame and my eyes overflowing,
Patience is severed and passion connected.
٥. فالقلب مُشتعل والطَّرف مُنهمل
والصبر مُنفصل والوجد مُتّصل
6. O you whose separation melted my heart in sorrow,
Be gentle with a lover whose stratagems have narrowed.
٦. يا مَن بفرقتهم ذاب الفؤاد أسى
رفقاً بصب به قد ضاقت الحيَل
7. He remained wakeful through the night you slept
With the sweetness of slumber adorning your eyelids.
٧. قد ظل يسهر في ليل تبيت به
جفونكم بلذيذ النوم تكتحل
8. No harm in showing mercy to one scarcely aided,
As the plain and mountain tightened around him because of you.
٨. ما ضرّ أن ترحموا مَن قلّ ناصره
وضاق منكم عليه السهل والجبل