1. The man walked with his son
Hearing only his closeness
١. دلا الرجل هو وابنه
ما يسمع إلا بودنه
2. They said he eats with his age
He has a strange wondrous fate
٢. قالوا ويأكل بسنه
ما له في نصيب عجيب غريب
3. The elephant walked on the sand dune
And came upon the door of the hut
٣. الفيل مشي في الرُّميله
وجا على باب زويله
4. On his back a drum
This thing is close, strange, and wondrous
٤. من فوق ظهره طبيله
ذا شي قريب عجيب غريب
5. Bread in Turkish is called ekmek
Even if your mother named it me'm
٥. الخبز بالتركي انمك
وإن سمّته مم أمّك
6. O Uncle, you are my brother
It's not like the stranger's wondrous fate
٦. دلا وبوك خيّ عمّك
ما هو كالغريب عجيب غريب