
The stream flowed with its swords drawn

زحف الرخا بحسامه مسلولا

1. The stream flowed with its swords drawn
So the prices became raised with their swords sheathed

١. زحف الرخا بحُسامه مسلولا
فغدا الغلا بحسامه منصولا

2. And the armies of furniture spread out their folds
When the circle of intimates was bound in shackles

٢. وسرت جنود البسط تنشر طيّه
لمّا انثنى شمل العنا مغلولا

3. And the heart has become adorned with joy
When it was connected with bliss

٣. والقلب أضحى بالسرور مُشَبّبا
لما تبدى بالهنا موصولا

4. How much sorrow was connected with prices and
Became separated by the praise of our God

٤. كم قد تواصل بالغلا هم وقد
أمسى بحمد إلهنا مفصولا

5. For time is not constant in its state
When they likened it to the mirage of a horse’s shadow

٥. فالدهر ليس بدائم في حاله
إذ شبّهوه خيال ظل خيلا

6. How many tricks does it come up with excuses
So the tomcat comes while the cats are confused

٦. كم حيلة يأتي تعاذير بها
فيجي أبوالقطط القطط مُحيلا

7. It has two drums, oh! and a flute, so
It rattles tak tak, dum dum and la la la

٧. وله طُبيلي أي وزُماري فذا
طقطق ددك دف دف وذا لي لولا

8. And sometimes a skirmish occurs which you see
Between two who became questioning and answering

٨. ولربما وقعت مُشاشاة ترى
لاثنين صارا سائلاً ومسولا

9. So that one says you took my doubt, oh Kubaysh
Tell me from where, and that one replies saying

٩. فيقول ذاك أخذت شك يا كُبيش
قل لي من أيش ويجيب ذاك يقولا

10. From who is this imagination, your life is an illusion of an hour and it's gone
It's enough for you, ask yourself you'll get the answer, he said surprised

١٠. من ذا زيال عمرك خيال ساعة وزال
يكفاك سواك أوسل تنال قال هولا

11. And it disappears quickly as if
They did and said what happened, what was said

١١. ويزول فلك سرعة فكأنما
فعلوا وقالوا ما جرى ما قيلا

12. And so are the high prices, even if they rise, they will pass so
Don't worry and don't be hasty in affliction

١٢. وكذا الغلاء وإن علا يمضي فلا
تقلق ولا تكن في البلا عجلولا