1. Why, my heart, do you always yearn
For a people who never return your longing?
١. ما بالك يا قلبي أبدا
عُرب تحنو لَهُمُ أبدا
2. Or did a glimmer of their splendor dazzle you,
A flash that made you hope they might call?
٢. أم شِمتَ بريق أبيرِقِهم
قد أومض فاستشعىت ندا
3. How often has love for them left me distraught,
A specter of their union that comes and goes!
٣. كم أودعني ولهاً بهم
طيف بوصلهم وعدا
4. Guide my laments, stop them for their sake,
And make my heart sing though it is lost.
٤. حادي الأظعان فقف بهما
وانشُد قلباً منّي شردا
5. Seek out the Arabs in their dwellings,
Those who, when dead, live on in joy.
٥. واقصد عرباً في حيّهم
مَن مات يعش عيشاً رغدا
6. Renew, Saad, the telling of their tales
For one made happy by his love for them.
٦. وأعد يا سَعدُ حديثهم
لفتى بمحبتهم سعدا
7. Take my soul, all that I own,
And I will count it a gift to you.
٧. وخُذَنّ الروح وما ملكت
وأرى لك فيه عليّ يدا
8. How often has the dust of grief blown
And sorrow's wind gust over my heart!
٨. كم أنزل في طري رمدا
وجدي وعلى قلبي مَردا
9. My eyes rain tears, pouring down,
My cheeks channel them, though they run dry.
٩. عيني وَسَقَت دمعي وسقت
خدّي به ولقد نفدا
10. Sorrow grew, and tears multiplied,
Patience and my heart met at dawn.
١٠. فالوجد نما والدمع هما
والصبر وهى قلبي وغدا
11. O people of the Abode, yours is a sanctuary
Violated by none who found guidance.
١١. يا أهل الحيّ لكم حرم
مَن حلّ به ما ضلّ هدى
12. A sanctuary where the Merciful dwelt,
And the Messenger of God was born.
١٢. حرم يبت الرحمن به
ورسول اللَه به وُلدا
13. The Chosen One who gave guidance,
Brought Islam and guided us to it.
١٣. ذاك المختار ومَن أهدى
الإسلام لنا وإليه هدى
14. He clarified the nation when he came
Though its precepts had been complex.
١٤. وأبان الملّة حين أتى
وطرائقها كانت قددا
15. For him, the knots of unbelief came undone,
The lines of victory were drawn taut.
١٥. تنحلّ عقود الكفر له
بِلوا للنّصر قد أنعقدا
16. How often he marched an army to pasture
When he wished it to graze and rest!
١٦. كم أورد جيشاً راحته
لمّا أرداه ظماً وردى
17. O community of the Best of Mankind,
You have achieved your high ambitions.
١٧. يا أمة خير الخلق لقد
بلغت آمالكم السددا
18. You came to the Kaaba for your final rites-
Take refuge there, and call upon the Eternal!
١٨. جئتم للكعبة مُنيَتكم
فيها لُوذوا وادعُوا الصّمدا
19. How many souls shudder and shake
When uncovered before Him on Judgment Day!
١٩. كم قد وَجلَت نفس وجَلَت
لَمّا دُليت عنها الكمدا
20. The souls will never rest, nor will their agony
Cease, no matter how far they flee.
٢٠. أبداً ترتاح لها الأروا
ح ولا ترتاح لبُعد مدى
21. Drink at Zamzam, repent thereafter,
And you will attain righteousness.
٢١. اشرب من زمزم وانوبه
يا ذا ما شئت تَنَل رَشَدا
22. Commit yourself to the Station, halt,
And lift up your hands there in supplication.
٢٢. والمُلتَزم الزَمه وقف
بالموقف وارفع فيه يدا
23. Beg for forgiveness on the plain of Mina,
Safe from fear, seeking sanctuary.
٢٣. واستَرجِ مُناك بأرض منى
تأمن خوفاً بالخِيف بدا
24. Visit the Chosen One, and attain hope.
Prolong your ritual stay in his precincts.
٢٤. وزُر المُختار وطِب أمَلا
وأطِل في زَورَته الأمدا
25. Make firm, O my friend, your resolve,
And seek aid that you may attain succor.
٢٥. وثبّت يا صاح بحُجرته
واسأله تَنَل منه المددا
26. Through him, then, intercede, and rely
On the Munificent Lord's generosity.
٢٦. وبه ثَمَ استشفع وعلى
كرم المولى كن مُعتَمدا
27. Surely He would not disappoint one who seeks Him—
Never! When asked, He giveth bounteously.
٢٧. حاشاه يُخَيب قاصده
كلا واللضه متى قصدا
28. Upon him blessings and peace of God,
Forever boundless in number.
٢٨. فعليه صلاة اللَه كذا
ك سلام لا يحصى عددا