
Pray upon the most virtuous of all creation, the Master of Mankind

صلوا على أزكى البرايا سيد البشر

1. Pray upon the most virtuous of all creation, the Master of Mankind
He whose plea the trees eagerly responded to, swaying obediently

١. صلّوا على أزكى البرايا سيد البشر
مَن قد سعت لمّا دعا طوعاً له الشجر

2. And the deaf pebbles glorified in his palm, as
Sweet clear water overflowed from his hands like a river

٢. وسبّحت صُمّ الحصى في كفّه وقد
فاض الزلال العذب من كفّيه كالنهر

3. And a cloud shaded him as he traveled in the heat
The moon split open in awe of him

٣. وظلّلته إذ غدا في الحرّ سائراً
غمامة وانشقّ إجلالاً له القمر

4. When he walked on stone, his sandal sunk into it
And when he walked on sand, no trace of his step remained

٤. إذا مشى في الصخر غاصت نعله به
وإن مشى في الرمل لم يُشهد له أثر

5. After a glorious month, terror overtook his enemies
As his supporters multiplied with zeal

٥. قد خُصّ بالرعب الذي تبلى العدى به
من بعد شهر جلّ مَن زاده بالخفر

6. Glorious is He who journeyed with him by night to the Most High
In spirit and body, wakefully, with true knowledge of the unseen

٦. سبحان مَن أسرى به ليلا إلى العُلى
روحاً وجسماً يقظة ذا صحّ في الخبر

7. As close as the length of two bows, yet nearer still
But where and how - who can be safe from danger?

٧. كقاب قوسين وأدنى قد دنا
وأين مع كيف اتركَن تأمَن من الخطر

8. Through him the Lord of Sudan hoped
To be saved from Hellfire at the final gathering

٨. به ابن سودون غدا مُستشفعاً عسى
ينجو به يوم التلاقي من لظى سقر

9. My Lord prayed upon him in submission
And his family - never has a star faded or shone brighter

٩. صلى عليه ربي مُسلّماً
والآل طُراً ما اختفى نجم وما ظهر