
O you whose ardour was cooled by his aloofness

يا من لصب قد جفاه هجوعه

1. O you whose ardour was cooled by his aloofness
Whose tears then flowed in longing for reunion

١. يا مَن لصَبّ قد جفاه هجوعه
فرثت له بالوصل ثَم دموعُه

2. The fire of separation, once ignited in his heart
Has set ablaze all that lies within his ribs

٢. نار البعاد بقلبه مذ غُرست
قد سعرت ما تحتويه ضلوعه

3. However much he tries to forget love, remind him of it
With a flash that stirs in him a painful yearning

٣. مهما تناسى الحب أذكره به
برق يُحركه إليه ولوعه

4. Passion almost led him astray, had he not
Returned to praising the best of all creation

٤. كاد الغرام يُضله لو لم يكن
لمديح خير العالمين رجوعه

5. The finest of all creation, better than any who tread earth
His roots exalted, branches spread through his lineage

٥. أزكى البرية خير من وطئ الثرى
وأصوله سادت به وفروعه

6. In him the servant finds refuge, when facing terror
No matter what horrors make him tremble in fear

٦. وبه ملاذ العبد عند مَعاده
مهما رأى الأهوال فيه تروعه

7. Blessings upon him, Allah, His majesty sublime
From first star's rising to the sun's ascent

٧. صلى عليه اللَه جلّ جلاله
ما غاب نجم واستهلّ طلوعه