1. Strange thoughts have occupied my mind
Who could enlighten me about them?
١. عجيبة جيّرت ذهني
بها مَن ذا يُخبّرني
2. I saw the son of Adam speaking to his son
"Come here my son," he said
٢. رأيت بُنَيّ وهو ابن آدم
يقول لابنه تعال ابني
3. And a vehicle riding above water
With me mounted upon its back
٣. ومركب راكب فوق ماء
على ظهره تُركّبني
4. Does it ride while being ridden?
Has a jinni touched it?
٤. فهل تَركَب وهي تُركَب
فهل ذي مسّها جنّي
5. It sails to the edge of the sea
Borne by a refreshing, strong wind
٥. بحد البحر وَحّلَها
هواه المنعّش المضني
6. This is not about love
But so it can carry me
٦. وما هذاك عن عشق
ولكن كي توحّلني
7. And in the month of fasting, O people
A little one starts fighting me
٧. وفي شهر الصيام يا ناس
صغير صار يحاربني
8. I am fasting and he is eating
Depriving me of the joy of Eid
٨. أنا صائم وهو يأكل
وحقّ العيد أغبنّي