
O descendant of the mole, have patience after him

يا سليل الخال صبراً بعده

1. O descendant of the mole, have patience after him
You are too high to console and more majestic

١. يا سليل الخال صبراً بعدَهُ
أنت أعلَى أن تُسَلِّي وأجَل

2. With your guidance if we go astray we are guided
And through you patience is exemplified

٢. بهداكُم إن ضَلِلنا نهتدي
وبكم يُضرَبُ في الصّبر المَثَل

3. I have folded the separation towards it tightly
And found the sweetness in the taste of honey

٣. قد طوَيت البيدَ شدّاً نحوه
ووجدت الصّابَ في طعم العسَل

4. The people were hasty so they presented his person
Before the young could attain what he attained

٤. عَجِلَ القوم فوارَوا شخصَه
قبل أن تبلغَ لاَ كان العَجَل

5. It was an affliction but your grace
Lifts up the reverence in it and the shame

٥. فَلتَهٌ كانَت ولَكِن فَضلكُم
يرفع الحشمَة فيها والخَجَل

6. An illness that lingered with him has killed him
And so does the disease when it lingers kill

٦. قَتَلَتهُ عِلَّةٌ طَالَت بِهِ
وَكذَا الدَّاءُ إِذَا طَالَ قَتَل