
The slave denied his finery and adornments

أنكر العبد بزه وحلاه

1. The slave denied his finery and adornments
At a question that came to him from his Master

١. أَنكَرَ العَبدُ بَزَّهُ وَحُلاَهُ
لِسُؤَالٍ أَتَاهُ مِن مَولاَهُ

2. I was absent from him so he asked after me out of kindness
"How is the jurist faring with his complaints?"

٢. غِبتُ عَنهُ فَسَالَ عَنِّي احتِفَاءً
كَيفَ حَالُ الفَقِيهِ مِن شَكوَاهُ

3. With a blessed, answered prayer
He relieved affliction, grief, and freed him

٣. بِدُعَاء مُبَارَكٍ مُستَجَاب
كَشَفَ الضُّرَّ وَالضَّنَى وَجَلاَهُ

4. So he ascended to the heavens pridefully
Putting himself low wherever his steps take him

٤. فَتَرَقَّى إِلَى السَّمَاءِ اعتِزَازاً
وَاضِعاً حَيثُ مَا يُرَاهُ خُطَاهُ

5. What a meadow that seems a garden of sorrow
With clouds generously raining in the evening

٥. أَيُّ طِرسٍ كَأَنَّهُ رَوضُ حَزنٍ
جَادَتِ السُّحبُ بِالعَشِيِّ رُبَاهُ

6. With an ink that seems musk in its color
Its fragrance intoxicating when you smell it

٦. بِمِدَادٍ كَأَنَّهُ المِسكُ لَوناً
وَشَذَاهُ إِذَا شَمِمتَ شَذَاهُ

7. And paper as pieces of dawn
He crafted it when you glimpse his craft

٧. وَكأَنَّ القِرطَاسَ قِطعَةُ صُبحٍ
فَسَنَاهَا إِذا لَمَحتَ سَنَاهُ

8. A king like spring in character and manners
God endowed him with sublime grace

٨. مَلِكٌ كَالرَّبِيعِ خَلقاً وَخُلقاً
خصَّهُ اللهُ بِالعُلاَ وَحَبَاهُ

9. His palm passed over me healing
Seeking illness, curing it

٩. مَسَحَت كَفُّهُ عَلَيَّ مَسِيحاً
قَصَدَ الضُّرَّ عَامِداً فَشَفَاهُ

10. Releasing me from shackles to vitality
The shaykh returned to the vigor of his youth

١٠. أَطلَقَتنِي مِنَ العِقَالِ نَشَاطاً
فَغَدا الشَّيخُ فِي نَشَاطِ صِباهُ

11. I was among people the lowest in worth
To be adorned by what his hands inscribe

١١. أَنَا فِي النَّاسِ كُنتُ أَحقَرَ قَدراً
أَن أُحَلَّى بِمَا تَخُطَّ يَدَاهُ