
With pride and fluttering flags unfurled,

بعيد السعود وخفق البنود

1. With pride and fluttering flags unfurled,
With troops and power and kingdoms' might,

١. بِعِيدِ السُّعُودِ وَخَفقِ البُنُودِ
وَقَودِ الجُنُودِ وَعِزِّ الدُّوَلِ

2. A youth has come to brace your world,
With whitest dawn and blackest night.

٢. غُلاَمٌ أَتَاكُم يَشُدُّ عُلاَكُم
بِبِيضِ الصُّفَاحِ وَسُمرِ الأَسَلِ

3. To him the throne and prince incline
And elders' breasts when ceremonies throng.

٣. يَهَشُّ إِلَيهِ سَرِيرُ الأَمِيرِ
وَصَدرُ النَّدِيّ إِذا مَا احتَفَلَ

4. With peace and right and world benign,
A glorious reign, complete and long.

٤. بِأَمنٍ وَيمُنٍ وَدُنيَا وَدِينٍ
بَنَجلس كَرِيمٍ وَمَجدٍ كَمُلَ

5. With new days and shade that shall not fail,
Fruition of all hopes that hail The turning spheres where suns prevail,

٥. وَعيدٍ جَدِيدٍ وَظِلٍّ مَدِيدٍ
وَهَصرِ الأَمَانِي وَنَيلِ الأَمَلِ

6. Beneath the Ram, the Flocks, the Scales.

٦. أَقَامَ الزَّمَانُ بِهِ مَيلَهُ
وَحَلَّت بِهِ الشَّمسُ بُرجَ الحَمَلِ