
Alas! The winds of time and its vicissitudes

وهيهات مشن ريب الزمان وريحه

1. Alas! The winds of time and its vicissitudes
Have cast their unhappy fortunes towards Yemen

١. وَهَيهَاتَ مشن رَيب الزَّمَان وَرِيحُهُ
شَئَامِيةَ أَلقَت بِدَوّ يَمان

2. My most sublime wishes, your affection, I am
Lonely and deprived of all hopes

٢. أَمَوئِلَنَا الأَسمَى حَنَانك إِنني
وَحِيدٌ وَمَرمِيّ بِيَ الرَّجَوَان

3. Fate has armed my enemies against me
The fangs of slander in an age of safety

٣. وَقَد سَدّد الدَّهرُ الخَئُونُ لِمَقتَلي
سِنَانِي هِيَاجٍ فِي زَمَانِ أَمَانِ

4. The fangs of a tongue tracking its prey
And another sharpening naked slander

٤. سِنَانَ لِسَانٍ فِي تَعَقُّبِ سَعِيهِ
وَآخَر مِن تَسدِيدِ عَارِي بَيَان

5. Two arrows in my heart though it is but one
If one arrow pierced it, it would suffice

٥. فَسَهمَانِ فِي قَلبِي وَقَلبِيَ وَاحِدٌ
وَلَو كَانَ سَهماً وَاحِداً لَكَفَانِي

6. So remove my shackles with some relief
By God of Bounty, I am wretched

٦. فَفُكُوا إِسَارِي مِن إِحَالَةِ مُعسِرٍ
فَإِنِّي وَرَبِّ المَكرُمَاتِ لَعَانِ