
O master who has attained the heights of glory

يا سيداً أحرز شأو العلى

1. O master who has attained the heights of glory
In his forgiving, far from his severity

١. يَا سَيِّداً أَحرَزَ شأوَ العُلَى
فِي عَفوِهِ الأَبعدِ من شَدِّهِ

2. And he whose glory has become his raiment
From his benevolent uncle or his ancestors

٢. وَمَن غَدَا المَجدُ لَهُ حُلّةً
مِن عَمِّهِ المَهدِيِّ أَو جَدِّهِ

3. Your errant slave feels lonely
Stumbling in his shame into the cold

٣. عَبدُكُمُ الآبِقُ مُستَوحِشٌ
يَعثُرُ لِلخَجلةش فِي بُردِهِ

4. So grant him your reproach and leave his blame
As long as excuses are his allies

٤. فَابذُل لَهُ العُتبَى وَدَع عَتبَهُ
مَا دَامَتِ الأَعذَارُ مِن جُندِهِ