1. Call of a servant to the Commander of the Faithful
He chose guidance over ignorance
١. أَمِيرَ المُومِنِينَ نِدَاءَ عَبدٍ
تَخَيّر لِلرَّشادِ مِنَ السَّفاهِ
2. The times have weakened him, so he leans wearily
Upon the rose watered for lips
٢. أَضَرَّ بهِ الأَوامُ فَحامَ وَهناً
عَلَى الوِردِ المُرَوِّي للشِّفاهِ
3. And he has no hope but the matter of the Almighty
With which I anger the boasters and pretentious
٣. وَلاَ أَمَلٌ سِوَى أَمرِ عَزِيزٍ
أَغيِظُ بِهِ المُبَاهِي والمُضَاهِي
4. With my occupation in medicine and my acquisition
Of prestige which I vie with
٤. بحَمِلي فِي عَقَارِي واكتِسَابي
عَلَى جاهٍ أَسِيرُ بهِ تُجاهِي
5. Snows of letters praising God therein
Like traces of prostration on foreheads
٥. ثلُوجُ حُرُوفُ حَمِد اللهِ فِيه
كآثارِ السُّجُودِ عَلَى الجِبَاهِ
6. In a script that confounded thoughts
So they said the writing is from the light of God
٦. بِخَطٍّ حارَتِ الأَفكارُ فِيهِ
فَقَالت خُطَّ مِن نُورِ الإِلَهِ
7. So may you remain, with the Caliphate from your midst
Until there is no expiration in the limits
٧. فَدُمتُم وَالخِلاَفَةُ مِن حُلاَكُم
إَلى غَيرِ انصِرَامٍ في التَّنَاهِي