
My manners in my old age are humbled

أآدابي على كبري تضاع

1. My manners in my old age are humbled
And the scent of musk is spread from my poetry

١. أآدَابِي عَلَى كِبَرِي تُضَاعُ
وَعَرفُ المِسكِ مِن نَثرِي يُذَاعُ

2. I am not a worker toiling for others
Nor a judge, so suckling would suffice me

٢. وَلَستُ بِعَامِلٍ أَجبِي وَأَجني
وَلاَ قَاضٍ فَيَكفِينِي الرَّضاعُ

3. I do not sing odes, and my master is near
They lost me, and which young man did they make lost

٣. وَلاَ أَشدُو وَمَولاَيَ قَريبٌ
أَضَاعُونِي وَأَيَّ فَتىً أَضاعوا