1. I composed poetry, an attribute of my companions,
They spoke elegantly, their dignity veiled.
١. ولقد نظمت الشعر شيمة معشر
قالوا فصانوا فيه عز حجابه
2. I said nothing but amusing words,
His eloquence guides meaningful speech.
٢. ما قلته إلا فكاهة ناطق
يهدي بلاغة منطق بخطابه
3. My education and learning did not harm me,
Except that I am a flower plucked in its prime.
٣. ما ضرني أدبي وحسن تعلمي
إلا بكوني زهر لب لبابه
4. Rather my wanderings at ease and my perception
Of the beauty I strive for in good pursuits.
٤. بل صولتي في راحتي وتفرسي
في حسن ما أسعى لخير مآبه