1. Our neighborhood's cat is gone, her empty food bowl tells us so
She would get mad if we forgot to feed her on time
١. قَد قالَ سِنَّورُنا وَأَعهَدُهُ
قَد كانَ عَضباً مُفَوَّها لَسِنا
2. If we found her lifeless body
We would have buried her, bought her a shroud
٢. لَو أَصبَحَت عِندَنا جَنازَتُها
لَحُنِّطَت وَاِشتَرى لَها كَفَنا
3. Then we gathered my friends and they came
Among them a child crying, pleading to us
٣. ثُمَّ جَمَعنا صَحابَتي وَغَدوا
فيهِم كُرَيبٌ يَبكي وَقامَ لَنا
4. Every sweet old lady's looks
Were but anguish to our house's mice
٤. كُلُّ عَجوزٍ حَلوٍ شَمائِلُها
كانَت لِجُرذانِ بَيتِنا شَجَنا
5. From every bumpy, scratchy hill
Or whiskered mouse they did appeal
٥. مِن كُلِّ حَدباءَ ذاتِ خَشخَشَةٍ
أَو جُرَذٍ ذي شَوارِبٍ أَرِنا
6. Quenching our cat's thirst whom I grieved for
She had been a home for Maythaa for an epoch
٦. سُقياً لِسَنَّورَةٍ فُجِعتُ بِها
كانَتِ لِمَيثاءَ حَقبَةً سَكَنا