
Had mankind willed, tomatoes could be black

ولو شاء بشر كان من دون بابه

1. Had mankind willed, tomatoes could be black
Or turnips red, without His leave or call.

١. ولو شاء بشر كان من دون بابه
طماطم سود أو صقالبة حمر

2. Yet man is one whose door is gently knocked-
For whom the burden is reward enough!

٢. ولكن بشراً سهل الباب للتي
يكون لبشر غبها الحمد والأجر

3. Far wider than the eye can see, his gaze extends-
Beware rash words; his house has door, but not a wall.

٣. بعيد مراد العين مارد طرفه
حذار الغواشي باب دار ولا ستر