1. No luck in winning for one infatuated with you
For those not you, luck is in their hearts
١. لا حَظَّ بِالفَوزِ لِصَبٍّ بِكُم
لِغَيرِكُم في قَلبِهِ حَظُّ
2. Lost is the rationality
Of whoever among you has no restraint
٢. وَضائِعاً أَصبَحَ رُشدِهِ
مَن مِنكُم لَيسَ لَهُ حِفظُ
3. With but a glance away from your beauty
How many a witness has the moment hidden
٣. وَبِالتِفاتِ الطَرفِ عَن حُسنِكُم
كَم شاهِدٍ غَيَّبَهُ اللَحظُ
4. And stayed whoever was not thinking of you
Speaking words of praise
٤. وَمانَ مَن في غَيرِ مَعناكُم
بِمِدحَةٍ مِنهُ جَرى اللَفظُ
5. And not pitied, warned of passion
Whoever passion for you dissuaded and admonished
٥. وَلَم يَرُح مُتَّعِظاً بِالهَوى
مَن عَن هَواكُم صَدَّهُ وَعَظُ