1. How many seats have I said, "Stand up," then they walk at dawn
And a bleary-eyed drinker clutching his cup whom I saw
١. كَم مُقعَدٍ قُلتُ قُم فَأَضحى
يَسيرُ وَالعادِياتِ ضَبحا
2. Offering the processioners a morning drink
And with the warriors in the darkness before daybreak
٢. وَناظِرٍ أَكمَهٍ بِقَدحي
أَرَيتُهُ المورِياتِ قَدحا
3. I plunged into the polytheists at dawn
So my she-camel bucked amid the sandy hills
٣. وَبِالمُغيراتِ مِن نُمَيرٍ
أَغَرتُ في المُشرِكينَ صُبحا
4. And became slaughtered in the middle of the crowd
٤. فَثارَ نَقعي عَلى كُنودٍ
في وَسطِ الجَمعِ صارَ ذَبحا