
Were it not for the bridle of critics in my mouth

ولولا لجام الطالبيين في فمي

1. Were it not for the bridle of critics in my mouth
I would have expressed the incapacity of Ibn Muljam's state

١. وَلَولا لَجامُ الطالِبِيّينَ في فَمي
لِاَعرَبتُ عَن إِعجامِ حالِ اِبنِ مُلجَمِ

2. And revealed the hidden guidance in his misguidance
And every Muslim would have surrendered to me

٢. وَأَبدَيتُ مَخفِيَّ الهُدى في ضَلالِهِ
وَأَذعَنَ بِالتَسليمِ لي كُلُّ مُسلِمِ

3. And who dares to ask me about an inquiry at the risk of his life
With a pretentious call in the position of understanding

٣. وَمَن لِيَ عَن سُؤالٍ يُريدُ حَياتَهُ
بِدَعوَةِ ظَنٍّ في مَقامِ التَفَهُّمِ