1. Let not the fewness of its people dismay thee on the path of truth;
Make thyself familiar with the fire that mankind was saved by the staunchness of Abraham;
١. لا يوحِشَنَّكَ في طَري
قِ الحَقِّ قِلَّةُ أَهلِهِ
2. Keep to the road wherever it leads: the wide plain shall ultimately lead to the Kaaba;
Take up thy abode in the free land, thou shalt not die from disappointment over it.
٢. وَاِستَأنِسِ النارَ الَّتي
أَهدَت هُداهُ بِطَلِّهِ
٣. وَاِرغَب بِكُلِّ نَحوَهُ
تَلقَ المَفازَ بِكُلِّهِ
٤. وَتَحَلَّ في بَلَدٍ حَرا
مٍ لا تَموتُ بِحَلِّهِ