
Be with the truth no matter how it appears

كن مع الحق كيف كان عيانا

1. Be with the truth no matter how it appears
And seek refuge in it from the falsehood of blind imitation

١. كُن مَعَ الحَقِّ كَيفَ كانَ عِياناً
وَبِهِ عُذ مِن باطِلِ التَقليدِ

2. And follow a witness over you who came
A messenger with the grace of the witness

٢. وَاِتَّبِع شاهِداً عَلَيكَ بِهِ جا
ءَ رَسولٌ بِفَضلِ الشَهيدِ

3. And reject in guidance the dispute for one who strayed
And do not accompany any but the rightly guided

٣. وَاِطَّرِح في الهُدى المَراءَ لِمَن ضَ
لَّ وَلا تَصحَبَنَّ غَيرَ الرَشيدِ