
The judgments of people

ما الحكم في الناس إلا

1. The judgments of people
Are only upon wise souls

١. مَا الحُكمُ في الناسِ إِلّا
عَلى النُفوسِ الحَكيمَه

2. New perspectives
Of old hidden things

٢. مُشاهِداتٍ حَدي
ثَ المُغَيِّباتِ القَديمَه

3. That walk towards it
On straight paths

٣. السالِكاتُ إِلَيها
عَلى الخَطوطِ القَويمَه

4. With the tradition of praise they obtained
Rejection of blameworthy traits

٤. بِسُنَّةِ الحَمدِ نالَت
رَفضَ الصِفاتِ الذَميمَه

5. So the limit of one who deviated from it
Among people is the limit of beasts

٥. فَحَدُّ مَن حادَ عَنها
في الناسِ حَدُّ البَهيمَه

6. And people are the lord of certainty
And confusion in their illusions

٦. وَالناسُ رَبُّ يَقينٍ
وَخابِطٍ في وَهومِه

7. Not illuminated by the lights
Of one kindling in his knowledge

٧. لا يَستَضيءُ بِأَنوا
رِ قادِحٍ في عُلومِه

8. Seeking unto other than shade
Continuously pouring but not lasting

٨. آوٍ إِلى غَيرٍ ظَلَّ
مُستَمطِرٍ غَيرَ ديمَه

9. Plunging unto the crooked line
From straight descendants

٩. هاوٍ إِلى أَعوَجَ الخَطِّ
مِن ذُرىً مُستَقمَه

10. Lost in bewilderment, lost in misguidance
From the shade of honorable cavern

١٠. بِالتيهِ تاهَ ضَلالاً
عَن ظِلِّ كَهفِ رَقيمَه

11. Does not find guidance in his darkness
Of his absence from his purity

١١. لا يَهتَدي في دُجاهُ
لِغَيبِهِ عَن نُجوسِه

12. The meaning of the book to him
Is an expression in its transcripts

١٢. مَعنى الكِتابِ لَدَيهِ
عِبارَةً في رُقومِه

13. Postponing in it what
It urged him to prioritize

١٣. مُؤَخِّرَ فيهِ ما
حَثَّهُ عَلى تَقديمِه

14. So resign yourself from him
To the sound minds

١٤. فَاِسلَم بِنَفسِكَ عَنهُ
إِلى العُقولِ السَليمَه

15. And leave him and his desire
Immortalized in his hellfire

١٥. وَخَلِّهِ وَهَواهُ
مُخَلَّداً في جَحيمِه