
I applaud your singing joyfully,

وعن طرب أصفق إذ تغني

1. I applaud your singing joyfully,
For it reminds me of your nearness to me,

١. وَعَن طَرَبِ أُصَفِّقُ إِذ تُغَنّي
بِأَنِيَ مِنكَ حينَ دَنَوتَ مِنّي

2. You have not become distant, though closeness is my right,
What drives you away from me?

٢. وَما عَنّي بَعُدتَ وَحَقُّ قُربي
إِلَيكَ وَما الَّذي يُبعِدُكَ عَنّي

3. You have come closer to my heart than my jugular vein,
Yet you are not me.

٣. وَمِن حَبلِ الوَريدِ غَدَوتَ أَدنى
إِلى قَلبي وَإِنَّكَ غَيرُ إِنّي

4. Since finding you, my wishes,
I have ceased to wish from people.

٤. وَإِنّي مُذ وَجَدتُ بِكَ الأَماني
عَدِمتُ بِها مِنَ الخَلقِ التَمَنّي

5. In remembering you I find no solace in remembering myself,
Only the loneliness of the reproacher comforts me.

٥. وَفي ذِكريكَ لَم آنَس بِذِكري
وَأُنسي وَحشَةُ العُذّالِ مِنّي

6. Since rejecting frivolity for your sake,
Make me follow the way of the righteous.

٦. وَإِنّي مُذ رَفَضتُ بِكَ اللَواحي
عَلَيكَ بِسُنَّةِ الأَبدالِ سِنّي

7. If I err in word or deed,
Know that thinking well of you is my success.

٧. وَإِن أَخطَأَتُ في قَولي وَفِعلي
فإِنَّ إِصابَتي بِكَ حُسنُ ظَنّي