
My soul stripped itself of self

تجردت نفسي عن نفسي

1. My soul stripped itself of self
Removing its garb, releasing all obscurity

١. تَجَرَّدَت نَفسِيَ عَن نَفسي
فَزالَ بِالخَلعِ لَها لُبسي

2. And my today lacked tomorrow
With little added since yesterday's eve

٢. وَراحَ يَومي عَن غَدي ناقِصاً
بِضَعِفِ ما زادَ عَلى أَمسي

3. Yet I kept watch for the moon of darkness
Until in the sun the moon I espied

٣. وَلَم أَزَل أَرصُدُ بَدرَ الدُجى
حَتّى اِجتَلَيتُ البَدرَ في الشَمسِ

4. And I sought shade from it within it
From the world of senses to the Divine Presence

٤. وَظَلَلتُ أَبغي الظِلِّ مِنها بِهِ
مِن عالَمِ الحِسِّ إِلى القُدسِ

5. So I attained the spoils and since have not lost
When I sought refuge with the unseen from mankind

٥. فَفُزتُ بِالفَيءِ فَلَم يُضحِني
مُذ عُذتُ بِالجِنِّ مِنَ الإِنسِ