
Like the radiant sun at dawn’s first light,

ومليحة كالشمس رأد الضحى

1. Like the radiant sun at dawn’s first light,
She came gliding, leaning with her slender shape.

١. وَمَليحَةٍ كَالشَمسِ رَأدِ الضُحى
خَطَرَت تُميلُ عَلى الوَرى بِقَوامِها

2. I greeted her; she returned my greeting,
And with her peace my soul was filled and draped.

٢. حَيَيتُها فَثَنَت إِلَيَّ تُحِيَّتي
فَتَسَلَّمَت روحي بِرَدِّ سَلامِها

3. A tryst she made but then left unfulfilled,
Sending instead from sweet imaginings

٣. وَعَدَت وِصالاً أَخلَفَتهُ وَأَرسَلَت
طَيفاً يَمينُ النَفسَ في أَحلامِها

4. A phantom messenger with words that thrilled,
Well-strung like pearls and fair in gleamings.

٤. بِرِسالَةٍ دَقَّت مَعاني لَفظِها
وَزَهَت لَآلئُ عَقدِها بِنِظامِها

5. The message told of loving and delight
For one passion-thrilled, who else but guards her troth.

٥. مَضمونُها حِفظُ الوِدادِ لِمُغرَمٍ
لَم يُلفَ غَيرَ مُحافِظٍ لِذِمامِها

6. The phantom and his missive wings took flight;
Than which no sweeter draught my spirit quaffed.

٦. رِسالَةُ الطَيفِ الَّذي آوى بِها
مِنها الخَيلُ أَلَذُّ مِن إِلمامِها