1. Like the radiant sun at dawn’s first light,
She came gliding, leaning with her slender shape.
١. وَمَليحَةٍ كَالشَمسِ رَأدِ الضُحى
خَطَرَت تُميلُ عَلى الوَرى بِقَوامِها
2. I greeted her; she returned my greeting,
And with her peace my soul was filled and draped.
٢. حَيَيتُها فَثَنَت إِلَيَّ تُحِيَّتي
فَتَسَلَّمَت روحي بِرَدِّ سَلامِها
3. A tryst she made but then left unfulfilled,
Sending instead from sweet imaginings
٣. وَعَدَت وِصالاً أَخلَفَتهُ وَأَرسَلَت
طَيفاً يَمينُ النَفسَ في أَحلامِها
4. A phantom messenger with words that thrilled,
Well-strung like pearls and fair in gleamings.
٤. بِرِسالَةٍ دَقَّت مَعاني لَفظِها
وَزَهَت لَآلئُ عَقدِها بِنِظامِها
5. The message told of loving and delight
For one passion-thrilled, who else but guards her troth.
٥. مَضمونُها حِفظُ الوِدادِ لِمُغرَمٍ
لَم يُلفَ غَيرَ مُحافِظٍ لِذِمامِها
6. The phantom and his missive wings took flight;
Than which no sweeter draught my spirit quaffed.
٦. رِسالَةُ الطَيفِ الَّذي آوى بِها
مِنها الخَيلُ أَلَذُّ مِن إِلمامِها