
I and the world for love's name, we are the same

أنا والورى باسم الهوى سيان

1. I and the world for love's name, we are the same
Had I not seen Him with my very eyes

١. أَنا وَالوَرى بِاِسمِ الهَوى سِيّانِ
لَو لَم أَفُز مِن عَينِهِ بِعَياني

2. And by the dot of (the Arabic letter) hā’ in His name
In beauty I have triumphed, He being most fair

٢. وَبِنُقطَةِ الحَفَينِ مِن فِعلِ اِسمِهِ
في الحُسنِ فُزتُ بِكَونِهِ النواني

3. I knew the inner meaning of each letter's name
Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, all the same

٣. وَعَرفتُ تَأَويلَ الحُروفِ وَلَفظِها ال
عَرَبِيَّ وَالعِبرِيَّ وَالسَرياني

4. I grasped the revelation and interpretation in the
Torah, Gospel, Qur’ān sublime

٤. وَظَفَرتُ بِالتَنزيلِ وَالتَأويلِ في الت
تَوراةِ وَالإِنجيلِ وَالقُرآنِ

5. I read the writ of righteous and wicked men
Inscribed on the records of all time

٥. وَقَرَأتُ رَقمَ صَحائِفِ الأَخيار وَالأَب
رارِ وَالفُجّارِ في ديواني

6. I learned of Day of Doom and life to come
My first death and who it was that slew me then

٦. وَعَلِمتُ بِدَوِيِّ وَالمَعادَ وَمَوتَتي ال
أولى وَمَن أَفناهُ مَوتٌ ثانِ

7. I crossed the Bridge, resigned to what was plain
The balance showed which way the scales would bend

٧. وَعَبَرتُ مِن فَوقِ الصِراطِ مَسَلِّماً
لِما بَدا الرَجحانُ في ميزاني

8. For love of Him, patience was my lovely friend
I cared not for the Garden, but instead

٨. وَلَحِّبي الصَبرُ الجَميلُ زَهِدتُ في ال
جَنّاتِ حينَ رَغِبتُ في النيرانِ

9. Was rapturous when faced with fires that rend
He turned it to a Garden, cool and fair

٩. فَأَعادَها بَراداً عَلَيَّ سَلامُها
في حَلِّها تَركيبَها الجُسماني

10. His peace restored the form that it had been
So I remained a ruby without fear

١٠. فَبَقيتُ كَالياقوتِ لا أَخشى بِها
عَرَضاً يُغَيِّرُ جَوهَري النَفساني

11. That harm would change my essence serene
With the vision of its Owner I rejoice

١١. بِعَيانِ مالِكِها أُنَعِّمُ خالِداً
فيما يَزيدُ بِقُربِهِ رَضواني