1. My tongue flowed with my hearing,
And my inner heart narrated to my eyes.
١. بِنُطقِ سَمعي جَرى لِساني
وَعَن فُؤادي رَوى عَياني
2. And He called me to Him,
When He appeared to me from me, though hidden from me before.
٢. وَفي خَفاهُ عَنّي إِلَيهِ
لَمّا بَدى لي مِنّي دَعاني
3. So the expanse of the earth became grasped in my palm,
And creation and command became my essence.
٣. فَصارَ بَسطُ الوَرى بِقَبضي
وَالخُلُقُ وَالأَمرُ في كِياني
4. So there is no existence except my existence,
And all that remains other than it is transient.
٤. فَلا وُجودٌ سِوى وُجودي
وَكُلُّ باقٍ سِواهُ فانِ
5. People are veiled from witnessing me,
Misguided from the guidance of my lucidity,
٥. لِلناسِ عَن مَشهَدي مَغيبٌ
أَضَلَّهُم عَن هُدى بَياني
6. Since with names they saw specificity,
To what I had specified through meanings.
٦. إِذ بِالأَسامي أَروا اِختِصاصاً
لِما تَخَصَّصتُ بِالمَعاني