1. I said, with me and with you, about whom
Allah has ordained in the Book to follow him.
١. قُلتُ عِندي وَعِندَكُم عَمَّن
أَوجَبَ اللَهُ في الكِتابِ اِتِّباعَه
2. The saying of whoever parts from our group,
He has made clear his dissociation from us.
٢. قَولُ مَن فارَقَ الجَماعَةِ مِنّا
إِنَّهُ قَد أَبانَ عَنّا اِنخِلاعَه
3. And so everyone of you who is individualistic
With an opinion opposing the group.
٣. وَعَلى ذا فَكُلُّ مُنفَرِدٍ مِنكَم
بِقَولٍ مُخالِفٌ لِلجَماعَه