
My weaving, my praise, from my existence his generosity flows

غزلي مديحي من وجودي جوده

1. My weaving, my praise, from my existence his generosity flows
And through it my death, the cause of my life

١. غَزَلي مَديحي مِن وُجودي جودُهُ
وَبِهِ مَماتي موجِبٌ لِحَياتي

2. The stillness of my soul in his love moves me
And my resolve toward him and my resolve

٢. وَسُكونُ نَفسي في هَواهُ مُحَرِّكي
وَثَباتُ عَزمي نَحوَهُ وَثَباتي

3. He is my master, and for his sake Ahmad and Abu Hanifah
The loves of him, my masters

٣. هَو مالِكي وَلَدَيهِ أَحمَدَ شافِعِيٍّ
وَأَبو حَنيفَةَ حَبِّهِ ساداتي