
I wish their guide on the day they departed

ليت حادي مطيهم يوم سار

1. I wish their guide on the day they departed
Had eased the journey in the captives' hearts,

١. لَيتَ حادي مَطِيِّهِم يَومَ سارَ
خَفَّفَ السَيرَ في القُلوبِ الأَسارى

2. Or had tended the company of bodies which became
For sights and hearings a companion.

٢. أَو رَعى صُحبَةَ الجُسومِ الَّتي اِستَ
صحَبَ مِنها الأَسماعَ وَالأَبصارا

3. And a beloved I entrusted with my eyes' light
But he turned away and left my heart afire,

٣. وَحَبيبٍ أَودَعتُهُ نورَ عَيني
فَتَوَلّى وَاِستَودَعَ القَلبَ نارا

4. Departing, feigning composure in choosing to depart,
When he was driven to it against his will.

٤. سارا يُبدي تَجَلُّداً في اِختِيارِ الس
سَيرِ لَمّا سَعى إِلَيهِ اِضطِرارا

5. And despite my will and his, we will see a house
For our pleasures turned into one that brings us misery.

٥. وَبِرُغمي وَرُغمِهِ اَن نَرى دا
رَ لَذاذاتِنا لِشانيهِ دارا

6. And it's hard for me that the days should pass in it
For others taking turns.

٦. وَعَزيزٌ عَلَيَّ أَن تَقضِيَ الأَيّامُ
فيها لَغَيرِنا الأَوطارَ

7. And to my regret, I'm jealous that the places
After their people should welcome strangers.

٧. وَلِوَجدي أَغارُ أَن تَقبَلَ الأَو
طانُ مِن بَعدِ أَهلِها الأَغيارَ

8. Familiarity increased its desolation except for
Lovers - so I withdrew from it in hate.

٨. زادَها الأُنسُ وَحشَةً بِسِوى الأَح
بابِ عِندي فَاِزدَدتُ عَنها نِفارا

9. Blame me for my misery. Be gentle with
A heart that's patient or accept my excuses.

٩. لائَمي في تَهَتُّكي جُد عَلى القَل
بِ بِصَبرٍ أَو فَاِقبَلِ الأَعذارَ

10. I would have been consoled had I found solace
And been patient had I been able to show endurance

١٠. قَد تَسَلَّيتُ لَو وَجَدتُ سُلُوّاً
وَتَصَبَّرتُ لَو مَلَكتُ اِصطِبارا

11. I tried to conceal my love but
The veil was lifted between us and bars cast aside.

١١. وَتَسَتَّرتُ بِالدُنُوِّ وَلَكِن
كَشَفَ الحَجبُ بَينَنا الأَستارَ