1. I sacrificed my reputation in your love, my youth,
So the absent ones could witness in you my madness.
١. وَهَبتُ اِشتِهاري في هَواكَ صَبابَتي
لِيَشهَدَ فيكَ الغائِبونَ تَهَتُّكي
2. And I became indifferent to those who seek guidance
By shedding piety after wearing the garb of asceticism.
٢. وَزَهَّدتُ فِيَّ الراغِبينَ عَنِ الهُدى
بِخَلعِ التُقى مِن بَعدِ لُبسِ التَنَسُّكِ
3. I am not vexed by their blame,
For the widest thing for excuse in you is my path.
٣. وَما ضاقَ ذَرعي بِالمَلامَةِ مِنهُم
وَأَوسَعُ شَيءٍ فيكَ لِلعُذرِ مَسلَكي
4. But my professing your love exclusively out of jealousy
Is protected from telling to the hearing of the polytheists.
٤. وَلِكِنَّ تَوحيدي هَواكَ بِغَيرَتي
مَصونٌ عَن الإِلقاءِ في سَمعِ مُشرِكِ