1. When will I sense the lightning flash of sharpened swords?
Its radiance dispelled my despair and ignited ambition.
١. مَتى شِمتُ بَرقاً لِلصَوارِمِ لامَعا
جَلا ضَوءُهُ يَأسي وَجَلّا المَطامِعا
2. He who does not brave the tides of death and attain his goal
Lives subjugated among the noble in degradation.
٢. وَمَن لَم يَلِج لَجَّ المَنايا إِلى المُنى
يَعِش بَينَ أَهلِ العِزِّ في الذُلِّ خاضِعا
3. So do not hesitate before any enterprise, though it appear
Fraught with danger, if you encounter no opposition.
٣. فَلا تَكُ هَيّاباً لِأَمرٍ وَإِن بَدا
مَهولاً إِذا لَم تَلقَ عَنهُ مُدافِعا
4. The most cowardly of men is he whose knowledge forewarns him
Of the stroke of death, yet meets it not with humility.
٤. فَأَجبَنُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ مَن حَقَّ عِلمُهُ
بِوَردِ الرَدى أَن يَلتَقي المَوتَ خاشَعا
5. None will attain glory unless in the flower of youth
He earnestly strives in actions for greatness and honor.
٥. وَلَن يَبلَغَ العَلياءَ كَهلٌ وَلَم يَكُن
يَمارِسُ حِدَّ الجِدِّ لِلمَجدِ يافِعا