
Another breaks his covenant of love with you

غيري لمثق عهد حبك ينكث

1. Another breaks his covenant of love with you
And shares his passion, yet acts faithlessly

١. غَيري لِمَثِقِ عَهدِ حُبِّكَ يَنكُثُ
وَبِهِ يُقاسِمُ عاشَقَيكَ وَيَحنِثُ

2. And is tempted by the slanderers' gossip about you
And others than you, and passes it on

٢. وَيَغُرُّ غَرَّ الناقِلينَ بِنَشرِهِ
عَنكَ وَعَن سِواكَ يُحَدِّثُ

3. When it comes to names and attributes, he is constrained
By notions of a blind death, never to be revived

٣. عِندَ الأَسامي وَالصِفاتِ مُقَيَّدُ ال
أَوهامِ مِن مَوتِ العَمى لا يُبعَثُ

4. He knows not the meaning of the named, nor its name
Yet clings to his discourse desperately

٤. لَم يَدرِ ما مَعنى المُسَمّي وَاِسمُهُ
لَكِنَّهُ بِحَديثِهِ يَتَشَبَّثُ

5. I am devoted in my love for you, and devoted to
Inheriting its precepts, and bequeathing them

٥. أَنا في هَواكَ مُقَلِّدُ وَمُقَلَّدُ
وَمُوَرِّثٌ أَحكامَهُ وَمُوَرَّثُ

6. While others in their straying pray for other than what
I pray for, though when I pray, dishevelled am I

٦. وَدُعاءَ غَيري في الضَلالِ لِغَيرِ ما
أَدعو وَإِنّي حينَ أَدعو الأَشعَثُ

7. I sensed the fire of your love in the night of disdain
And in my jealousy cried: Stay, strangers!

٧. آنَستُ نارَ هَواكَ في لَيلِ الجَفا
وَلِغَيرَتي نادَيتُ أَغياري اِمكُثوا

8. I love a beautiful knight in the night of disdain
When she appeared, though the veil was new

٨. أَهوى مَليحَةَ فارِسٍ في لَيلِ الجَفا
لَمّا تَبَدَّت وَالحِجابُ المُحدَثُ

9. My love is old for you, and my anguish
Ever increases each instant for you

٩. وَجدي قَديمٌ في هَواكَ وَلَوعَتي
لَكَ بِالزِيادَةِ كُلَّ آنٍ تَحدُثُ

10. So my every tongue talks of you
Among mankind, and if they speak, their ears listen

١٠. فَلِذاكَ كُلّي أَلَسُنٌ بِحَديثِهِ
بَينَ الوَرى وَمَسامِعٌ إِن حَدَّثوا

11. No flattery has turned my inclination from you
To deter me from you, though straying he seeks

١١. لَم يَثنِ عَطفي عَنكَ عَطفَهُ
لِلصَدِّ عَنكَ عَلى الغِوايَةِ يَبحَثُ

12. No, never will the knots of my creed be loosed
By the exhalations of one practising sorcery

١٢. كَلّا وَلا حَلَّت عُقودَ عَقيدَتي
نَفَثاتُ مَن بِالسِحرِ فيها يَنفُثُ