
The blindness of passion hid from the lovers their right course,

حجب العمى أهل الهوى عن رشدهم

1. The blindness of passion hid from the lovers their right course,
When fate decreed the death of the martyr who was absent.

١. حَجَبَ العَمى أَهلَ الهَوى عَن رُشدِهِم
عِندَ القَضاءِ عَلى الشَهيدِ الغائِبِ

2. They denied all possibilities absolutely,
And saw the impossibility of denying an obligation as permissible.

٢. مَنَعوا اِمتِناعَ المُمكِناتِ بِأَسرِها
وَرَأوا جَوازَ الإِمتِناعِ لَواجِبِ