1. O you who aimed his sight toward me as the goal, you replaced
My humiliation with honor and my scarcity with abundance,
١. يا مَن بَصَرَ في إِلَيهِ القَصدَ بِدَّلَني
بِالذُلِّ عِزّاً وَبِالإِقلالِ إِكثارا
2. And you who, by annihilating my patience, brought me into existence
A new finding that made me steadfast regarding it,
٢. وَمَن بِإِعدامِ صَبري عَنهُ أَوجَدَني
وَجَدا عَلَيهِ بِهِ أَمسَيتُ صَبّارا
3. And you who by clipping my wings in passion for you
Made me soar to the highest heights,
٣. وَمَن بِقَصِّ جَناحي في هَواهُ لَهُ
إِلى أَعالي المَعالي صِرتُ طَيّارا
4. The excellence of my dependence on the excellence of your choice for me
Left me with no alternative but that which you deliberate upon and choose,
٤. حَسنُ اِتِّكالي عَلى حُسنِ اِختِيارِكَ لي
لَميُبقِ لي غَيرَ ما تَحتارُ مُختارا
5. And the support from you for my status made me
An emigrant who found in your love helpers.
٥. وَالعَونُ مِنكَ عَلى شانِيَّ صَيّرَني
مُهاجِراً مَن إِلى حُبّيكَ أَنصارا