1. By the right you gave me when you bound me with the ties of faithfulness,
And by the love my ribs enclose for you,
١. يميناً بِما أَولَيتَ مِن خالِصِ الوَلا
وَوُدٍّ لَكُم مِنّي حَوَتهُ الأَضالِعُ
2. Loneliness has descended upon me since your company departed.
Because of it, the vast desert seems confining.
٢. لَقَد نَزَلَت بي وَحشَةٌ بَعدَ أُنسِكُم
عَلَيَّ بِها ضاقَ الفَضى وَهوَ واسِعُ
3. Yet I know that your dwelling place is near at hand
And that only my circumstances prevent me from visiting.
٣. وَأَبرَحُ ما أَلقاهُ أَنَّ مَزارِكُم
قَريبٌ وَلي الزَيارَةُ مانِعُ