
Be in the universe of my beloved in whom

كوني في كون حبيبي الذي

1. Be in the universe of my beloved in whom
My soul has become estranged in his east

١. كَونِيَ في كَونِ حَبيبي الَّذي
قَد غَرَبَت في شَرقِهِ نَفسي

2. Like the moonlight in its night
Fading though the sun is unseen

٢. مِثلُ ضِياءِ البَدرِ في لَيلِهِ
بادٍ وَلا يُشهَدُ بِالشَمسِ

3. And the difference between their union is clear
To the mind, obscured from the senses

٣. وَالفَصلُ في وَصلِهِما ظاهِرٌ
لِلعَقلِ مَحجوبٌ عَنِ الحِسِّ